Unreliable Guidelines, inaugural Art+Feminism research report on Wikipedia reliable source guidelines & marginalized communities on English, French and Spanish Wikipedias, is now available for download

Monika Sengul-Jones
2 min readJun 28, 2021

Months in the making, I’m so proud to share the inaugural Art+Feminism report on reliable sources and marginalized communities on French, English and Spanish Wikipedias. This report is the capstone of an intersectional feminist research project that I led with Amber Berson and Melissa Tamani , co-leads at Art+Feminism. So lucky to work with fantastic collaborators! We were supported by a brave and engaged advisory board. Our effort was partially funded by WikiCred and among other important efforts to understand source reliability and trust in our fraught, commercial information ecosystem.

Our research identifies several painful paradoxes; ultimately, we claim the guidelines and recommendations available for identifying reliable sources are themselves unreliable, particularly for sources about and in relation to contributions made by marginalized communities. We also recover the important labor of trainers who manage frictions and provide offline guidance and support. And in effort to transform these subtleties , we have several recommendations for change.

The report is written for anyone who is concerned about verification processes in the internet ecosystem, and the link is here:


Moreover, I — we — would like to hear from our readers.

Which of our recommendations would you like to see taken on first?

